History of West District
In compliance with the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the National Capital Territory of Delhi was divided into nive Civil District vide Govt of NCT of Delhi’s Notification No.F.6/10/2000-Judl/694-704 dated 28.06.2000 read with Notification No.F.6/15/08-Suptlaw/1980-1982 dated 21.10.2008. Accordingly, the West District came into existence and functioning w.e.f. 01st November, 2008 at Tis Hazari Courts Complex, Delhi.
West District started functioning with effect from 1st November, 2008. The work of Civil and Criminal cases relating to West District hitherto being taken up at Tis Hazari Court Complex, Delhi-110 054.
West District is functioning in the complex of Tis Hazari Courts and the management with regard to the complex is directly under the Control of The Principal District & Sessions Judge, HQ, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi.
Courts of West District are located on the different floors of the complex of Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi.
1. Court of The Principal District & Sessions Judge, West is situated at 2nd Floor, of Tis Hazari Courts Complex, Delhi.
2. Commercial Courts (06 Courts as on date) being presided over by the District Judges (Commercial), Courts of MM[...]
- Notification on extension of efiling Rules of the Delhi High Court, 2021 to all cases of Civil Jurisdiction (including Family Court cases) and Complaint Cases in District Courts wef 01.04.24-PDF 3.5MB
- Removal Notification to remove name of Advocates from the roll of Bar Council of Delhi Due to L.L.B Degree/Marks Sheet Reported to be Fake/Forged. (PDF 1.39 MB)
- Notification regarding that the second Saturday, 09th September 2023 has been declared as a holiday for the District Courts of Delhi. (PDF 5.56 MB)
- Notification regarding extension of period of Oath Commissioners in Tis Hazari Court, Delhi. (PDF 4.42 MB)
- Notification regarding Amendment in Rule 7 of Delhi Higher Judicial Service Rules, 1970 (PDF 7.80 MB)
- Notification regarding appointment of members of Delhi Higher Judicial Service as Principal District & Sessions Judge within the limits of respective Division of Delhi. (PDF 3.74 MB)
- No.33/Rules/DHC dated 15.04.2023 (Notification) {Re: amendment in Part E of Chapter 14 of High Court Rules & Orders, Volume I and Part H of Chapter 25 of High Court Rules & Orders, Volume III} (PDF 7.04 MB)
- Notification regarding amendment in the explanation to Clause (xxi) of Rule 1 of Part B of Chapter 3 of the High Court Rules & Order, Volume V.
- Result of Delhi Bar Association Election-2025, Chairman, Election Committee, Delhi Bar Association. (PDF 2.31 MB)
- Order regarding link duty roster of Ld. Judges in West District, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 1.15 MB)
- Duty Roster of Judicial Magistrate First Class for the month of March-2025, West District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 1.08 MB)
- Duty Roster of Oath Commissioners for the month of March-2025, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 966 KB)
- Notice for Sale of Land building through e- auction, Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, New Delhi. (PDF 5.70 MB)
- Duty Roster of Evening Court for the month of February-2025, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 866 KB)
- Duty Roster for the month of February-2025, West District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 1.40 MB)
- Notice regarding quotation for 03 latest Bare Acts for District Courts, Delhi. Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 340 KB)
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- Result of Delhi Bar Association Election-2025, Chairman, Election Committee, Delhi Bar Association. (PDF 2.31 MB)
- Commercial Courts Data for the month of February 2025. (PDF 5.05 MB)
- Order regarding link duty roster of Ld. Judges in West District, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Delhi. (PDF 1.15 MB)
- Duty Roster of Judicial Magistrate First Class for the month of March-2025, West District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 1.08 MB)
- Duty Roster of Oath Commissioners for the month of March-2025, Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. (PDF 966 KB)